It has been awhile again. Uh oh.
Well, I finished Gansky's 40 Days book several weeks ago. I enjoyed reading it. Even though I have read the New Testament many times, Gansky has a way of pulling things together and helping you so see more than you were seeing when you are reading book to book, chapter to chapter. I liked the book. It encouraged me and it taught me. I would recommend it. Be forwarned however. When Gansky summarizes what the resurrection has done for us and its applications, he talks about several things, but does not address the infilling of the Holy Spirit in today's believer, which many Christians accept in addition to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit upon being born-again.
Ben Hur - A tale of the Christ.
Immediately after finishing Gansky's book, I started an abridged version of Ben Hur. I don't recall reading this book in high school or at the university. Maybe I am the last person in the world to read this book? I have a vague recollection of maybe seeing the movie when I was a youngster? But then maybe not. At any rate I finished reading the book this past Saturday evening. I found it to be difficult reading. The usage of so many commas in every sentence kind of threw me. Also, the writing was strange to me in its structure. I had to reread many of the sentences and paragraphs to fully comprehend what the words were telling me. I did like the story. It was engaging. I liked reading about characters who were seeking a Messiah, someone to deliver them from the political rule of the time who would establish an earthly kingdom, but in the end coming to the realization that the Messiah did not come at that time to establish an earthly kingdom, but a kingdom in the hearts of men, thus the Messiah was also the Savior, saving men from their sinfulness with the Savior's (Christ's) sacrifice. Did you notice all the commas I used in that sentence? Well today, I went shopping out of town with my wife. While at a store, I found a used DVD of the 1959 Best Picture award Ben Hur movie directed by William Wyler. I had told the people at work that I was reading Ben Hur, and they asked why I just didn't watch the movie. Well, now I will!
"I am the resurrection and the life;
he who believes in Me will live even
if he dies, and everyone who lives and
believes in Me will never die.
Do you believe this?"
-Jesus Christ