Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sight and Sound Theaters, Lancaster PA

June 7, Wednesday, was show day at the Sight and Sound Theatres in Lancaster PA. We had morning tickets for the Living Waters Theater to see the Psalms of David show, and late afternoon tickets for the Millenium Theater to see the Ruth show. The Ruth show featured live animals and was a musical about Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz. It was a very good production with lavish sets, costumes and props, which as I mentioned included animals of all kinds, big and small. They even had horses with riders running up and down the ailes right through where the people were seated. It was specatacular. But without focusing on that aspect the musical, the musical's content and the ideas presented about trusting God in our circumstances was very well done. In between the shows, we went to Fuddruckers to eat lunch.

We were asked not to take photos of either show, but apparantly someone sneaked this one in.

This is a photo of the Lion and the Lamb statue in front of the Millenium Theater.

This is a photo of a manger scene inside the Millenium Theater.

1 comment:

ricki said...

yuuuuummmmmm .... Fuddruckers ...