Monday, March 06, 2006

The state now owns and controls my Voter Registration records...

I read tonight (Monday March 6), in my local newspaper, how the state of Missouri has gone to a central voter registration system/database. Each registered voter in the state will now be given a voter number by the state, rather than by their local election authority. They hope that in doing this, they will eliminate duplicate voter registrations around the state.

Their ultimate goal is to be able to cross reference Missouri's voter registration records with OTHER STATES to further eliminate duplicate registrations. Missourian's voter registration record is owned by the state at this point, as well as their associated voter history!

Bet that one slipped by ya!

Guess who is behind all this? You guessed it, the federal government! The state is trying to be compliant with new federal laws (Help America Vote Act).

Currently there is also a move in the state of Missouri to require picture ID voter registration cards for ALL voters, or you CAN'T vote.

Hmmm... think about that!

Wouldn't it just be a lot simpler if they tattoed a unique barcode on our forehead that identified us worldwide and we all just moved on?

The world definitely seems to be headed in that direction!

Once the fed's are maintaining your worker identity in the national database as verified, why would we even need to register to vote? All you would have to do is show up at your polling place. A quick check of the national database would tell the election poll workers if you were allowed to vote in their ward. Your national ID card would have your photo on it.

What more could we want?

Of course the next step would be to tie my bank account funds to my national ID, uh, I mean worldwide ID...

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