Tonight begins the first night of five away from home. I have an opportunity to attend a class related to my job, so how could I pass it up? :-)
The week long class will end Friday morning with a test. So you guessed it! I will be spending my nights studying!
Kind of reminds me of the days at the university... well not really, we have a time compressed schedule. Four days and then a test, not three or four months with many tests and a final. Those were the glory days? NO! I kind of like the time I am in now...
I took a big step! I called my sister in Gautemala! Wow! She has lived there for two and half years now. Yeah, I am a great brother! Maybe one of these days I will call my brother-in-law in Germany? That would be fun. Let's see, there is a time difference, surely if I am awake, he is awake too??? Just kidding Rick, I won't call you at three or four in the morning!
First - focus on the getting smarter part. Then, just take care of my sister (that's part of getting smarter).
I've been in Germany now for over 5 years and no one in our family has figured out how to call here. Since we are moving back to the US in just four months, I guess there is no point in learning.
Of course if after that we still get no calls, then I will have to suspect it is more than not knowing how to dial...
I thought email had replaced the phone, no????? :-)
This international phone card I got last week, after fees and taxes, put's my calls to Guatemala at seven cents per minutes and two cents per minute to Germany.
I think we were all sitting here thinking it would cost a truckload of money to call you!
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