Saturday, February 11, 2006

A lamb in a large pasture?

Hosea 4 : 16 (The Amplified Bible)

For Israel has behaved stubbornly, like a stubborn heifer. How then should he expect to be fed and treated by the Lord like a lamb in a large pasture?

A lamb in a large pasture? That does not sound safe at all! Where's the protection of the shepherd? When I first read this verse, I thought "being fed by Jesus like a lamb in a large pasture? Sign me up!" I had envisioned a blissful paradise. But for the last day or so, I pondered it and decided this might not be a desirable situation. Then it started to occur to me that sheep are kept in smaller fenced in areas, where a shepherd could care for and protect his lamb from predators. So now I am thinking "I want to be closer to the Shepherd, close enough that when the enemy comes, my Shepherd can easily scoop me up and protect me. I want to eat the grass and drink the water that is closest to Him! I want to lay sleeping in the sun at His feet. I want to sleep at night snuggled in by His chest!"

John 10 : 27 (KJV)

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

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